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7 min
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Intro: '15 days Autumn Challenge: Graceful Transition'

7 min Hatha

Enjoy a short introduction to the challenge 'Graceful Transition'. 'Graceful Transition' is a 15 days Autumn Challenge that aims to help you transition to the season of fall with warmth, calmness, focus and grace. 

The fall is a time of transition and change and it is quite evident everywhere around us. Nature is drawing in, the trees start to undress in preparation for winter. The temperatures, are beginning to hint at the classic crispiness of autumn, and the wind is slowly gathering strength.

In Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, fall is qualified as the "Vata season". It is dry, rough, windy, unpredictable, cool, subtle and clear. When these qualities are dominant in our surroundings, they have a tendency to also show in your mind and body. In your mind, it can show as; anxiety, lack of focus, hyperactivity, and in your body it can show like; low back pain, muscle weekness, dry rough skin etc. The opposite qualities are what helps to bring balance and harmony into your life during the season of fall. This 15 days autumn challenge will help you aggravate/bring out of balance the Vata qualities, to help you gracefully transition from summer to autumn, and from autumn to winter. 

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